Animation 9-14
Spirit Award: Attack of the Fury Fish by Anastasia Shinkarenko
Rising Star Award: The Night Sky by Lena Znidaric
Best Animation 9-14: Wetsitales: The Boy Who Became a Stone by Jade Dandan Evangelista
Animation 15-18
Spirit Award: A New Friendship by Nea Rivamonte
Rising Star Award: Eye by Ava Lily Song
Best Animation 15-18: New Home by Aiko Siedlecki
Narrative 9-14
Narrative: Andromeda by Anna Salceda
Narrative 15-19
Spirit Award: Trip Switch by Sophie Virio
Rising Star Award: The Loop by Defne Gurkan
Rising Star Award: Projection Connection by Melissa Cuartas
Best Narrative Short 15-19: Holding Hands with the Moon by Soah None
Best Music Video 15-19
I Bought You Flowers by Claire Delany
Best Screenplay 9-14
Mothers Day by Jessica Bulcock
Screenplay 15-19
Maple Leaf Award: Her Violin Mulan Fan
Best Screenplay 15-19 Runner Up: Way to The Darkness by Maria Stelmach
Best Screenplay 15-19: The White Rose by Millie Hine
Rising Star Award: Burnt Tongue by Alexis Kaplan
Best Horror Caitlin Elizabeth Blanchard
Link to showcases: